
A Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner Is A Lifetime Investment

A lot of people, at least initially are put off by the cost of a new rainbow vacuum cleaner. they are disturbed because a rainbow unit usually costs several times that of a cheap, discount store upright vacuum. People have a tendency to think this means they are over priced and too expensive to own. This idea, while understandable, couldn't be further from the truth. In actuality, the rainbow is cheaper to own over the long run because the unit is almost certainly going to last for much, much longer and have much less maintenance costs than the less expensive bag machine.

The rainbow vacuum does not require vacuum bags like a standard vacuum does. This alone is going to save the owner a significant amount of money over the life of the unit. You may not think you spend much on vacuum bags but if you use your vacuum much at all you are going to go through a new bag about once a month or so. With decent bags costing two dollars a piece, that adds up to twenty four dollars a year. The rainbow vacuum cleaner motor alone is warranted to last ten years. If it only lasts that long it will save you $240 on bags alone.

When you then factor in the replacement cost of the cheaper vacuum because they will only last a few years with regular use, you will spend a few hundred more until you have actually ended up spending more money to own an inferior product. Not only that, you will be living in a home with all of the dirt, filth and allergens that would have been removed by the rainbow but are still there because you decided to try to save money.

Yes, the initial cost of the rainbow vacuum cleaner is considerably higher than the initial cost of some discount store vacuum built in China but, as we have shown you in this article, in the long run it is not only better for your health to own a rainbow vacuum cleaner but it is also less expensive on your wallet.

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